J McBee Portrait Gallery

Robidoux Middle School

Password / Access Code

Your Password / Access Code is your student's last name. Be sure to capitalize where necessary

3 Ways to Order

1. Order with a form given to your athlete. Turn in the form on picture day

2. Order online on the PREPAY event. The prepay event is open at least 2 weeks prior to picture day up through midnight on the day after picture day. It is the same price as ordering with a form and is delivered to the school. 

3. Order from proofs after picture day. This method allows you to view your photo prior to ordering and is shipped directly to your home address. It does add about $5 to $10 more to your cost as it is handled individually and shipped to your home.

Event Name Event type Event date
Robidoux Middle School Winter Sports PROOFS 2023 Sports 12/4/2023